
This cat was born in a patch of jade plants on the side of my house. I would see him walking past the back door, or stalking gopher holes. My interaction with him was limited to spotting him through windows and glass doors. Feral cats avoid human contact, so he'd run if he saw me.

I liked having this wild thing just wandering around out there. I never fed him or anything, it seemed like he was doing just fine on his own. I just left him alone. I never even named him.

A few weeks ago I found his body in the patch of jade plants he was born in. He must have died a while ago judging from the decomposition. I found this picture I took of him back in '06, a rare shot of him in loaf mode. Pretty handsome, eh?

I know he was just some stray cat, but I always regarded him as my little analogy. I can relate to being resourceful enough to survive, and living this simple life untethered by human connection, yet appreciated from afar. He was wild and free. To me that's a pretty awesome life.


  1. His eye color is unreal, his coloring is so interesting too. I don't think i've ever seen a cat with that blend of white and grey before. He looks like a cloud. Sweet thing.

  2. Cool, huh? His head, paws and tail were tabby-like, fading into a smoky white body and eyes like sapphires. Beautiful little wild thing.

  3. what a beautiful post jerome. so sad, he must have had a bad gopher.
    you, still wild and free, roar

  4. Thanks R! I remember looking out there one day and he was reared up on hind legs, just frozen like that. I was like 'wtf' and then he stomped down, grabbed (what I later realized was) a gopher, and marched off. Over the years I'd see him doing that a lot, just camping those gopher holes. It was hilarious.

  5. Awww! I'm sorry for your loss (even if he wasn't REALLY yours)! He was a pretty feral kitty.

  6. It occurred to me them gophers might just start tearing up my yard again now...

  7. aw! my kitty was feral when he was little (now half domestic!) so i know the kinda cat you were dealing with :)

    beautiful friends... maybe stalking things in the clouds now...??


  8. I'm not even a cat person, really. But having this guy around made me appreciate that free-spirited nature they have.
